Tattoo swallow, originally uploaded by La Chose.
It is a good idea to discuss the size and placement of your chosen tattoo design with the tattoo artist BEFORE the needle actually touches your skin. Once that needle starts up and the artist gets to work it is very hard to change your mind and even harder to have it removed. Professional tattoo removalists will tell you it can cost ten times as much to get the tattoo removed as it does to be laid down in the first place. Getting a tattoo emblazoned across your hands or neck may seem like a cool idea when you are young but will you still feel good about it in 10 or 20 years time? Think of the long term impact of highly visible ink will have on your life.
Choose a tattoo design that reflects who you are not as a fashion statement. Tattoo designs come and go. What was in ten years ago is not whats in now. Although there are certain mainstays in tattooing. Tattoo styles such as Traditional American, Black and Grey Tattoos, Celtic tattoo designs, tribal tattoo designs (ethnographic style) and Japanese tattoo designs will always be around and won't 'age' badly unlike other types of tattoo designs such as cartoon characters, certain styles of tribal designs, barbed wire arm-bands or even tramp stamps!