t is almost an art in itself finding a tattoo artist who can not only customize a tattoo from scratch but someone who you will connect with and hopefully enjoy the whole process with. What is right for one person may not be right for another. Many people prefer to sit (or lie) in silence while the tattoo artist works on them while others want to be engaged by the artist and fully get into the experience. If you are not lucky enough to already know a tattoo artist well then you can expect to spend a fair amount of time finding a tattoo artist that is RIGHT for you. Going online and doing a search will turn up a huge amount of tattoo artists and studios but finding the right artist is a completely different matter.
Some people who are heavily tattooed won't let anyone but their chosen artist work on them yet others seem to be on some kind of quest to be tattooed by as many tattoo artists as they can squeeze into their lifetimes. These kinds of people can sometimes be found hanging around tattoo conventions where well-known tattoo artists are in attendance. They will book well in advance if they know a famous tattoo artist is going to be there and can be seen hovering about showing their tattoos to anyone who is interested in hearing the all too familiar...