Theme: Tattoos on back, Tattoos on lower back of women. Full Back Tattoos.
In this photo we can see that the person has got tattoo nearly on the full size of the back. It is started from the shoulder and has ran upto the lower side of the back.
Tattoo Outline. Full Back Tattoo. (Image courtesy By Dino Laurel from Vancouver, Canada (Tattoo Outline) [CC-BY-2.0], via Wikimedia CommonsWikimedia Commons)
Tattoos are more or less of permanent nature. Thus it is quite very important to make it sure that the tattoo you ink on your body would say something, it should say something about you, like your personality, your choices, what you love.
Tattoos on backs are very common among the women and are becoming favourites of the men, too. The back is one of the most sensual and parts of a woman. One would find it more attracting from the point of sex, too. So the back has been an ideal location for a tattoo.
Tattoo on full Back
There are others reason, too, for having a tattoo on the back. One and the most important is that the lower part of the back offers plenty of natural curves, making it more tattoo-friendly! [Image courtesy I [GFDL, CC-BY-SA-3.0 or GFDL], from Wikimedia Commons, Wikimedia Commons]
In today's multi fashion world, the art of Tattoo is one of the most received arts. Men and women of all the ages want a tattoo somewhere on their body. Here the woman is showing her back, she looks almost like a model for a painting.